Intercultural Psychotherapy

Meryam Schouler-Ocak, Marianne C. Kastrup (Eds.)
Intercultural Psychotherapy
For Immigrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Ethnic Minority Patients
Presents relevant aspects of psychotherapeutic work involving people with an
immigration background
Includes disorders such as PTSD, depression, personality and schizophrenic
Written by respected interdisciplinary specialists
This book is intended to sensitise psychotherapists, to strengthen practitioners’ intercultural
competence and to encourage them to form psychotherapeutic relationships with people with
an immigration background who are suffering from mental health problems. In this context,
intercultural psychotherapy refers to the therapeutic work between psychotherapists and
patients who hail from different cultural contexts, which often considerably hampers languageand
culture-based understanding. In the current context of globalisation and growing crises
around the world, an increasing number of people with a migration background require
psychotherapeutic treatment; as a result, intercultural psychotherapy may well become the rule
rather than the exception. Psychotherapists are therefore challenged to adapt to such a
context. Overcoming these barriers requires certain competencies such as working with a
qualified interpreter. Contributions from international experts from the field of intercultural
psychotherapy provide vital insights into the theory and practice of intercultural work with
patients suffering from conditions such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, personality disorders and
schizophrenic disorders. These interdisciplinary specialists describe their work, share valuable
lessons learned, and put forward concrete recommendations.

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