The program in Tanzania starts with a two day conference in Dar es Salaam, attended by Tanzanians, the Dutch group and other foreign delegates.
The conference program is drawn up by Dr. R.V. Schwarz of Spoor6, in close cooperation with the Mental Health Association of Tanzania (MEHATA) and the Department of Psychiatry, University of Dar es Salaam. The format will be highly interactive: not only plenary, also parallel sessions and workshops.
The main topic for 2014 is “Living with Severe Mental Disorder.” There will be ample room for free papers.
After the Dar es Salaam meeting, foreign delegates will proceed by air to Moshi, a small town in the North of Tanzania, but also the capital of Kilimanjaro region.
In Moshi the first day will be devoted to Tanzanian health services, mental health services in particular. The last two days of the conference are dedicated to site-visits. With local guidance participants will visit health facilities, such as dispensaries, health centres and hospitals in and around Moshi. Visits to a school for mentally challenged children, a traditional healer and a rehabilitation village are also included. Every day is wrapped up by a plenary session, where findings are compared. Our Tanzanian guides will be present to provide more information.
Before returning home the foreign delegates can take part in a 4-day visit to the National Parks in Northern Tanzania.
The program thus provides not only for continuing education, but also immerses the foreign delegates in the Tanzanian community, culture and nature.
For English brochure, see: