Call for Papers Training in Culture and Migration Mental Health

Transcultural Psychiatry will have a Special Issue on Education

More than 68 million people are currently displaced from their homes. Over the coming decades, the
number of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers will continue to rise. Worldwide, health care
systems have to be prepared for this very heterogeneous population, with their different biographies,
trajectories, exposures to stress and sources of resilience. Concepts of health and disease as well as
expectations about treatment depend on cultural background, traditional values, personal experiences
and social worlds—all of which are in a constant state of flux. To be able to respond to the mental
health needs of culturally diverse populations health professionals need sufficient knowledge and
competencies. Training, whether at undergraduate level, postgraduate level, further education, or
continuing professional development, must include teaching on the factors influencing the clinical
assessment and treatment of culturally and socially diverse populations.
In collaboration with the World Psychiatric Association, Transcultural Section (WPA-TPS), Transcultural
Psychiatry plans to publish a Special Issue on the topic “Training in culture and migration mental
health.” The aim is to draw attention to the importance of education and training in cultural psychiatry
and psychotherapy to increase the capacity of professionals and mental health care systems to
respond to the needs of culturally diverse populations, including refugees, asylum seekers, ethnic
minorities and undocumented migrants. We invite original manuscripts on research related to training
and education in the field of culture and migration mental health. Suggested topics include reports of
innovative approaches to training and education in cultural psychiatry, mental health care for asylum
seekers and refugees. consequences of severe trauma and human rights violations, intercultural
communication, social determinants of health in culturally diverse population; evaluations of
treatment guidelines, formulations of practitioner competencies, and advocacy.
These topics are of ongoing interest to the journal but to be considered for the thematic issue, please
submit the manuscript by August 31, 2019.
The Special Issue will be co-edited by the World Psychiatric Association, Transcultural Psychiatric
Section (WPA-TPS).

Sofie Bäärnhielm & Meryam Schouler-Ocak, co-editors
Carlos Zubaran & Robert Kohn, language co-editor
for Transcultural Section, World Psychiatric Association