
WPA International Congress Istanbul, Turkey

“Improving Science, Ethics, Services and Solidarity in Psychiatry”

June 19 – 23, 2013

During the World Psychiatric Association International Congress Istanbul 2013, organized by the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), in collaboration with the Psychiatric Association of Turkey (PAT) and the Turkish Neuropsychiatric Society (TNS), besides a high quality scientific programme, a scientific research awards programme for posters and a scientific research awards programme for oral presentations, a special fellowship programme for early career psychiatrists, a photo exhibition and a rich cultural programme will also be held.

The scientific programme will be open to the contributions of all the psychiatrists, mental health workers, and the scientists from related disciplines across the world, besides the contributions of the WPA Scientific Sections, Member Societies, and Affiliated Associations and selected key speakers of top experts. Special attention will be given to the collaboration of related disciplines and professionals and users and carers.

This WPA International Congress will strongly emphasize the importance of improving the quality of our scientific knowledge, the standards of our ethical values, the quality and inclusiveness of our clinical services, and the level of solidarity between colleagues, users and carers across the world. Furthermore, the translation of scientific knowledge into our daily ordinary professional lives will be the focus of this congress.

In the past, the WPA always has conducted excellent scientific meetings in collaboration with the two WPA Member Societies from Turkey. We have full confidence in the Organizing and Scientific Committees to ensure the highest calibre of international scientific presentations.

Besides, unique beauties and cultural heritage of Istanbul as well as other cities and regions of Turkey are excellent additional incentives to visit Turkey and attend this congress.