
International Transcultural Psychiatry Conference

Dear Colleagues,

As a president of Emirates Psychiatric society, I’m delighted to invite you to the International Transcultural Psychiatry Conference (ITPC Dubai 2014) on April 3-5 in Dubai, UAE organized by the EMA Psychiatry Society in partnership with the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry and supported by the WPA Transcultural Society. This conference is planned with the objective of sharing and exchanging opinions, views and expertises about the relationship between culture and psychiatry.

Emirates Psychiatry Society believes that Dubai is best suited and equipped to host such high caliber meeting in-view of the nature of such a multicultural city which hosts more than 200 nationalities of such diversity. It will add value to the conference and definitely will draw interest from experts around the globe.

I’m personally honored to welcome you on April the 3rd 2014, meeting each other under one roof in Dubai.

Yours in friendship,
Dr Adel Karrani

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