Focus on Mental Health, Transcultural Congress in Tanzania
November 1 - 13
The aim of this scientific congress is to share knowledge and experience between local mental health workers and their foreign guests.
It will take place on November 5th and 6th 2013 in Lusotho, Northern Tanzania. Participants will come from Tanzania, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and African countries. At the end of the conference participants will have a thorough understanding of how health care in general, and mental health care in particular, is organized in Tanzania.
They will have acquired an insight in health-seeking behaviour of the people making use of these services. This understanding is important for doctors working with migrants in Western countries and will give African participants the opportunity to compare mental health care in their respective countries.
By organizing this meeting in Tanzania we bring participants to an environment where learning is experience and experiencing enhances knowledge. Intercultural exchange between delegates is an important aspect of this meeting.
Download the brochure
The conference program is drawn up by Dr. R.V. Schwarz of Spoor6, the Netherlands, in close cooperation with the Mental Health Association of Tanzania (MEHATA) and the Department of Psychiatry, University of Dares Salaam.
The main topics for 2013 are Severe Mental Disorders and Traditional Medicine. The conference format will promote interaction between participants: plenary sessions, parallel sessions and workshops. There vill be ample room for free papers.
In the two days following the main conference participants can take part in site-visits.
With local guidance participants will visit health facilities, such as dispensaries, health centers and hospitals in and around Moshi visits to a school for mentally challenged children, a traditional healer and a rehabilitation village are also included. Every day is wrapped up by a plenary se%ion, where findings are compared. Our Tanzanian guides will be present to provide more information.
Before returning home the foreign delegates can take part in a 4-day visit to the National Parks in Northern Tanzania.
The program thus provides not only for continuing education, but also immerses the foreign delegates in the Tanzanian community, culture and nature.
Conference fee USD $ 750.-
This will cover catering during the conference
Reduced rates apply as follows:
- Members of MEHATA and other Tanzanian Health Workers free admission
- Foreign delegates working in East Africa USD $ 100,-
- Foreign delegates from other LAMIC Countries USD $ 500,-
Papers can be submitted to:
Scientific Committee Conference Focus on Mental Health VIII
c/ o Dr. R. V. Schwarz,
E-mail: [email protected]
For further information:
Mension medical refresher,
Alexander Snijdewind
E-mail: [email protected]