WPA Discussion Document on Refugees January 2017

On the initiative of the of the Section of Transcultural Psychiatry, World Psychiatric Association, in September 17th, 2016 mental health professionals from Syria, Turkey, Germany, Austria, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland attended and presented at the Symposium “People on the Move: asylum seekers and refugees”. Moreover presentations were held or made available from the University of Amsterdam and the NGO’s Medicin Sans Frontiere and the Red Cross Red Crescent. The presentations and discussions revealed an insight in the mental health situation and policies of health authorities and governments concerning asylum seekers and refugees in the various countries. The overall conclusion is that the ongoing tragedy in Syria is beyond words and creates a huge risk for (longlasting) mental health problems in large parts of the population. Research shows high prevalence rates of mental disorders, in adults as well as in children. The responses of governments and other policy makers appeared to be quite different in the various countries. There are difference e.g . in fulfilling basic needs (eg financial support), access to health services, access to the housing and labour market, attention to vulnerable groups (young children, unaccompanied minors, women), prevention and combat of discrimination and racism etc. Only few countries made a national mental health intervention plan.
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Symposiums of TPS in the WPA conference in Berlin (8-13 Oktober 2017)

09.10.2017 | 08:15 – 09:45 | Room M8

S-017 Improving mental health care for refugees and asylum seekers

Chair Sofie Bäärnhielm, Stockholm, Sweden
Co-Chair Hans Rohlof, Leiden, Netherlands

Speaker Hans Rohlof, Leiden, Netherlands
001 –Challenges in diagnostics and treatment of refugees

Speaker Rafael Youngmann, Emek-Hefer, Israel
002 –The emotional distress of asylum seekers in Israel and the characteristics of those seeking psychiatric help

Speaker Maria Sundvall, Stockholm, Sweden
003 –Asylum seekers meeting psychiatric services after a suicide attempt

Speaker Sofie Bäärnhielm, Stockholm, Sweden
004 –Adapting mental health care system to the needs of refugees and asylum seekers

09.10.2017 | 15:15 – 16:45 | Hall Berlin 1

S-085 Racism, discrimination and mental distress

Chair Carlos Zubaran, Sydney, Australia
Co-Chair Cornelis J. Kees Laban, Beilen, Netherlands

Speaker Carlos Zubaran, Sydney, Australia
001 –Racism, discrimiantion and mental distress

Speaker Graham Thornicroft, London, United Kingdom
002 –Effective interventions to reduce mental health stigma and discrimination

Speaker Jonathan Burns, Exeter, United Kingdom
003 –Xenophobia and mental health: discrimination, depression and the suffering of refugees in the ‘new’ South Africa

Speaker Laurence J. Kirmayer, Montreal, QC, Canada
004 –Addressing racism and discrimination through culturally informed mental health policy and practice

10.10.2017 | 15:15 – 16:45 | Hall Berlin 1

S-193 Challenges in mental health care of traumatized refugees

Chair Iris Tatjana Graef-Calliess, Sehnde
Co-Chair Ingo Schäfer, Hamburg

Speaker Levent Küey, Istanbul, Turkey
001 –In the shoes of refugees in Europe: the psychosocial and mental health context

Speaker Christine Knaevelsrud, Berlin
002 –Using digital communication tools to provide psychosocial support to traumatized refugees

Speaker Cornelis J. Kees Laban, Beilen, Netherlands
003 –Impact of post migration factors on mental health of refugees

Speaker Julia Schellong, Dresden
004 –Mental health care for refugees – a European perspective

09.10.2017 | 17:00 – 18:30 | Room M4/M5

WS-09 Implementing the DSM-5 cultural formulation interview in clinical practice

Chair Roberto Lewis-Fernandez, New York, USA
Co-Chair Simon Groen, Beilen, Netherlands

Speaker Sofie Bäärnhielm, Stockholm, Sweden

10.10.2017 | 15:15 – 16:45 | Hall New York 1

S-194 Cultural variations in the expression of symptoms

Chair Cornelis J. Kees Laban, Beilen, Netherlands
Co-Chair Roberto Lewis-Fernandez, New York, USA

Speaker Roberto Lewis-Fernandez, New York, USA
001 –Cultural concepts of distress and psychiatric disorders: a rose by any other name?

Speaker Simon Groen, Beilen, Netherlands
002 –The impact of trauma and acculturation on personal lives of asylum seekers and refugees

Speaker Geert Smid, Diemen, Netherlands
003 –Towards cultural assessment of grief and grief-related psychopathology

Speaker Simon Dein, London, United Kingdom
004 –The role of religion in the experience and expression of symptoms

11.10.2017 | 10:00 – 11:30 | Hall A2

S-240 Terrorism, religion and culture from a psychiatric perspective

Chair Hussien Elkholy, Cairo, Egypt
Co-Chair Nahla Nagy, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

Speaker Nahla Nagy, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
001 –Psychological aspects of religious terrorism

Speaker Norbert Konrad, Berlin
002 –Forensic psychiatric aspects of terrorism in Germany

Speaker Thomas Stompe, Vienna, Austria
003 –Socialization, radicalisation, terrorism

Speaker Ekin Sönmez, Istanbul, Turkey
004 –Training in and for psychiatry # when times are bitter

11.10.2017 | 10:00 – 11:30 | Hall London 3

S-249 Intercultural opening in treatment of immigrants and ethnic minorities

Chair Meryam Schouler-Ocak, Berlin
Co-Chair Marianne C. Kastrup, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Speaker Iris Tatjana Graef-Calliess, Sehnde
001 –EPA – guidance on mental health care of immigrants

Speaker Adil Qureshi, Barcelona, Spain
002 –Cultural competence in mental health care of immigrants

Speaker Hans Rohlof, Leiden, Netherlands
003 –Cultural formulation interview in mental health care of immigrants

Speaker Sofie Bäärnhielm, Stockholm, Sweden
004 –Ways of treating immigrants in mental health care institutions

11.10.2017 | 15:15 – 16:45 | Hall Helsinki 1

S-304 Stress and resilience in current migrations

Chair Joseba Achotegui, Barcelona, Spain
Co-Chair Rachid Bennegadi, Paris, France

Speaker Cornelis J. Kees Laban, Beilen, Netherlands
001 –Incorporating resilience in the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees

Speaker Jose López, Lima, Peru
002 –Resilience and depression in immigrants

Speaker Rachid Bennegadi, Paris, France
003 –Resilience and post-traumatic stress disorders in immigrants

Speaker Joseba Achotegui, Barcelona, Spain
004 –Stress and resilience in the Ulysses Syndrome (Chronic and multiple stress in immigrants

Not organized bij WPA-TPS but also related to transcultural psychiatry :

09.10.2017 | 13:30 – 15:00 | Room Lindau 6

S-074 Cultural adaptation of cognitive behavioural therapy in different parts of the world

Chair Roger Ng, , Hong Kong SAR, China
Co-Chair Shanaya Rathod, Southampton, United Kingdom

Speaker Shanaya Rathod, Southampton, United Kingdom
001 –Overview of cultural adaptations of CBT

Speaker Roger Ng, , Hong Kong SAR, China
002 –CBT in Chinese population: is there a need for adaptation?

Speaker Muhammad Irfan, Peshawar, Pakistan
003 –From Sufism to culturally adapted CBT: a journey to psychological healing

10.10.2017 | 17:00 – 18:30 | Room M1

WS-19 Addressing symptoms of trauma: the science and technique of narrative exposure therapy (NET) for refugee children and adolescents with PTSD

Chair Anne Mantini, Toronto, Canada
Co-Chair Morton Beiser, Toronto, Canada

Speaker Anne Mantini, Toronto, Canada

11.10.2017 | 10:00 – 11:30 | Hall London 1

S-248 Creativity and culture in psychiatric disorders – treatments

Chair Michel Botbol, Bohars, France
Co-Chair Carlos Zubaran, Sydney, Australia

Speaker Carlos Zubaran, Sydney, Australia
001 –Revisiting the boundaries: art and psychiatry

Speaker Ioana Atger, Massy, France
002 –Reflecting and being reflected: about artists stimulating the therapists’ creativity

Speaker Adeline Gourbil, Bohars, France
003 –Creative mediations with violent adolescents

Speaker Jeremie Sinzelle, Paris, France
004 –Wölfli and Morgenthaler: psychoanalytic discovery of an insane artist

11.10.2017 | 15:15 – 16:45 | Hall New York 3

S-310 Mental health of Syrian refugees: towards a sustainable provision of care

Chair Mohammed Abou-Saleh, London, United Kingdom
Co-Chair Redwan El-Khayat, Southampton, United Kingdom

Speaker Mohammed Abou-Saleh, London, United Kingdom
001 –Mental health of Syrian refugees: global action

Speaker Elie Karam, Beirut, Lebanon
002 –Helping refugees and the host community through the school system

Speaker Malek Bajbouj, Berlin
003 –Mental health of Syrian refugees: experiences from Germany and Jordan

Speaker Redwan El-Khayat, Southampton, United Kingdom
004 –Transforming mental health service provision for Syrian populations from a crisis response to a sustainable development

11.10.2017 | 17:00 – 18:30 | Room M1

S-328 Refugees and mental health: a cultural and medical dilemma

Chair Ekin Sönmez, Istanbul, Turkey
Co-Chair Marc Augustin, Aachen

Speaker Jakob Kaminski, Berlin
001 –Experience from a novel outpatient service for refugees

Speaker Ekin Sönmez, Istanbul, Turkey
002 –Mental health of refugees: risk groups, inequalities and vulnerabilities

Speaker Hussien Elkholy, Cairo, Egypt
003 –Psychiatry in the Arab region: a transcultural perspective

Speaker Vlastela Partaloska, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
004 –Challenges for refugees on the route: experience of mental health professionals from a transit country

Second International Conference on Transcultural Psychiatry in Central European Countries

The „Second International Conference on Transcultural Psychiatry in Central European Countries“ will be held in Gdynia from Thursday 18 May through Saturday 20 May 2017.

The programme for 2017 thus brings together sessions with international topics and topics focused on local developments. It is our aim to ensure that these advances and developments are clearly presented within the context of psychiatric health. More established topics in the programme include posttraumatic stress disorder, migration and transcultural psychiatry.



Workshops and Symposia

The workshops aim to deepen a topic or a question in the common conversation

(90 minutes). A symposium consist of four short presentations à 20 minutes, which will be discussed subsequently. Proposals for a workshop or symposium should consist of a working title, a brief abstract (approximately 500 characters) and the name of the organizing people and their functions.

Deadline for submission is 15.01. 2017

Gdynia in the spring is also a place to enjoy, and this meeting presents a unique opportunity to combine participation in a cutting-edge conference with enjoyment of a unique place.
We look forward to seeing you there.

The Scientific Committee

Dubrovnik Summer School of Psychotraumatology 2014

June 1 - 6

Integrative Approach to Understanding Complex Trauma: The Role of Culture and Other Contextual Denominators

Due to industrial development, mass migrations, globalization, and information revolution the world has rapidly changed ever since. Nowadays, psychiatrists and psychologists in the western, industrialized world are on a regular basis facing patients whose cultural backgrounds are different from their own, and whose psychopathology may not be adequately framed within the evidence-based western paradigms for understanding of mental health well-being and illnesses. Therefore, it becomes more and more important to culturally translate the evidence provided in predominantly western psychiatric research and to conceive and develop more comprehensive and culturally responsive approaches that are better tailored to patients’ specific characteristics.
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SSPC 2014 Annual Meeting

Trauma, Recovery, and Culture

We will have a keynote lecture by Mark Micale, Professor of History at the University of Illinois, followed by our opening panel on the conference theme, moderated by Hendry Ton and featuring survivors of torture from three different cultures: Dr. Edie Eger, a Holocaust survivor who danced for Dr. Mengala in order to save her life, Nang Du, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCSF who was imprisoned by the Pol Pot and John Kuek, a marriage and family therapist who is a survivor from South Sudan.

The 2014 annual meeting will be held May 15-17 at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, University of San Diego. The theme is Trauma, Recovery and Culture.

21st IFP World Congress of Psychotherapy

Dear colleagues,

The International Federation for Psychotherapy (IFP) will hold the 21st IFP World Congress of Psychotherapy from May 9 -11, 2014, in Shanghai, China. The theme of this congress will be ‘Psychotherapy Contributing to Global Health’. All IFP members and all colleagues who are interested in psychotherapy are cordially welcome to attend this every-4-year gathering.
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First International Conference on Transcultural Psychiatry in Central European Countries

April 24, 2015 - April 26, 2015


In a rapidly changing world, psychiatry faces numerous challenges. In response to these rapid societal changes, psychiatry needs to be prepared to meet the challenges of migration, acculturative change and acculturative stressors. Transcultural psychiatry focuses on the study of all these phenomena. In a rapidly changing world, the culture of psychiatry itself is also changing, from a more medically constricted perspective to a more inclusive scientific approach integrating the perspectives of the social sciences and public policy along with medicine and its related clinical disciplines.
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Focus on Mental Health, Transcultural Congress in Tanzania

November 1 - 13

The aim of this scientific congress is to share knowledge and experience between local mental health workers and their foreign guests.

It will take place on November 5th and 6th 2013 in Lusotho, Northern Tanzania. Participants will come from Tanzania, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and African countries. At the end of the conference participants will have a thorough understanding of how health care in general, and mental health care in particular, is organized in Tanzania.

They will have acquired an insight in health-seeking behaviour of the people making use of these services. This understanding is important for doctors working with migrants in Western countries and will give African participants the opportunity to compare mental health care in their respective countries.

By organizing this meeting in Tanzania we bring participants to an environment where learning is experience and experiencing enhances knowledge. Intercultural exchange between delegates is an important aspect of this meeting.

Download the brochure
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World Psychiatric Association International Congress

Future Psychiatry : Challenges and Opportunities

Vienna, Austria October 27 - 30, 2013

It is for me an honor and a pleasure to invite you to join me/us to the WPA International Congress that will take place in Vienna, Austria on October 27–30, 2013. Over the years, Vienna has been a memorable site for the field of psychiatry and has a long tradition of organising successful events for WPA. Besides, its charm, beauty and history are second to none in both Europe and the rest of the world. Undoubtedly, this WPA International Congress will be a memorable one for the World Psychiatric Association. Please join me in this unique and historic occasion. Cordially, Pedro Ruiz, M.D. WPA President (2011–2014)

Visit the website for more information

World Psychiatric Association International Congress

Future Psychiatry : Challenges and Opportunities

Vienna, Austria October 27 - 30, 2013

It is for me an honor and a pleasure to invite you to join me/us to the WPA International Congress that will take place in Vienna, Austria on October 27–30, 2013. Over the years, Vienna has been a memorable site for the field of psychiatry and has a long tradition of organising successful events for WPA. Besides, its charm, beauty and history are second to none in both Europe and the rest of the world. Undoubtedly, this WPA International Congress will be a memorable one for the World Psychiatric Association. Please join me in this unique and historic occasion. Cordially, Pedro Ruiz, M.D. WPA President (2011–2014)

Visit the website for more information