Young researchers are invited to join in the competition of the

Best article on a transcultural subject 2013

The winning article will be awarded by the honour of the young researchers award and a prize of € 1,000.
Gold Trophy

  • Articles have to be written on original research, whether based on clinical research, anthropological research, or literature review.
  • Researchers from LAMIC countries are specially invited.
  • Young researchers are defined as researchers who did not publish a peer reviewed article before 1.1.2009.
  • The six best articles will be offered publication, after peer review, in a 2014 special issue of Transcultural Psychiatry. There are also possibilities to publish a podcast.
  • The articles will be reviewed for the award by the board members of the WPA-TPS.
  • Writing a manuscript with more authors is of course possible. The first author should be a young researcher .

Please take notice that the manuscript you want to send should have the quality to appear in an international peer reviewed journal. If you have any doubts about that, we can advice you. Therefore you can send us the abstract or, better, the outline of the manuscript, already.

If you have finished your manuscript already, please send it to the chair. He will collect all the manuscripts. The different members of the board of WPA-TPS will read them, give advice, and make a choice for the Award. Please keep in mind that before publishing the manuscript in the 2014 special issue of Transcultural Psychiatry, a peer review of the journal is needed. Prof. K. Bhui and Dr. H. Rohlof will be the editors of this special issue.

For the format we expect the format of the journal Transcultural Psychiatry. Read all about it under Manuscript Submission. From that same site you can download a Free Sample Copy to get an impression about the nature of the articles.

Responsible editors: Kamaldeep Bhui, MD, PhD and Hans Rohlof, MD.
If you are interested, contact:
Hans Rohlof

Deadline for first draft: October, 15th, 2013