The Transcultural Section of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA-TPS) unites psychiatrists and other mental health workers from all over the world who regard Transcultural Psychiatry as their specialty. Our members are outstanding scientists, and many of them have created new programs and written articles and books on this field.

WPA-TPS is an active club, organizing conferences and symposia in many countries throughout the world and in several languages, like English, Spanish and French. The WPA-TPS also publishes a newsletter and plays an active role in the official journal of the Section, Transcultural Psychiatry. Our website also offers many other resources like videos, articles and comparative practices.

Becoming a member gives you the opportunity to stay in contact with your fellow scientists. As a member you will also receive a reduction to attend all conferences that are organised or cosponsored by WPA-TPS. You will have the opportunity to present your work at symposia dedicated to contributions of new WPA-TPS members and ‘early career’ investigators at TPS sponsored international conferences on cultural psychiatry.

You will be eligible to serve, by appointment, as a member in one or more of the five new Standing Committees of WPA-TPS that will focus on: International Conferences, Awards and Recognition, Membership and Recruitment, Communication and Publication, and Finance and Dues Structure.

You will also be eligible for nomination as a candidate for election to the Executive Committee of WPA-TPS, and you will be eligible to vote in that election cycle.

These are some of the many reasons to become a become a new member! ⟶